The Oldest Librarian
the images on this page
Oldest Librarian was requested as a commission for my friend the
author Vicente Duque in Colombia
His yet unfinished story has intrigued me for the vivid descriptions
of a place I have always imagined.
Once started I got lost in my own magic world, my other world!
The real world disappeared.
always sketch first in pencil and slowly my friends began to appear.
They are my real friends, great characters that I have known for
years since a child. I thought they were ready to be introduced,
and for the world to see them.
The Librarian was modeled on my friend and mentor, how I see him
working in the Fairies World that he created.
This picture is also an image of myself, I'm always there with
my little friends who trust me to work with them.
Once I have sketched my image, I ink in every line, some so fine
I hardly dare breathe for fear of making an error.
These black and white images are loved by children to color and
I encourage their artistic abilities that is how I learned my art
as a child. (See Fairy
coloring of the Oldest Librarian stretched my skills, oh how I
wished I had been a scholar of the Rembrandt Studio in Amsterdam.
My daughter Charlotte modeled for me and my Karisma pencils were
as tested, as was I, on and off over many months.
David jokes that the Oldest Librarian was 1000 years old when
I started him, but was 1002 when he finally celebrated completion.
I am really pleased with the resulting image, and the new skills
I have learned so much so, I'm off into another room under the
magic tree to reveal more of the wonders of my friends.

January 2003