Star Bender - Jon Gutmacher2011©Orlando USA
Star Bender
keeper of dreams
Timeless Being who floats between worlds unseen
what see You now
what worlds do You travel
what galaxies do You seek
For when You dream
worlds change
a universe implodes
and all things
are created
from nothing
Star Bender
how many others
like You
are there?
Oh, Star Bender
can you see what you have created
or does it really matter
for what in a millisecond of Your time
do a thousand years
pass by
Star Bender
what powers You grant
to this poor mortal
on this poor earthen planet?
(and the Star Bender replied:)
Oh, Mortal
You ask what powers I bestow?
to you
I bestow life
and all it has to offer
I bestow ability
I bestow thought
I bestow love
I bestow the ability to create more
of who you are
What you do with these gifts
that is for you to decide
for what I have done
is enough
and now You
must make your own journey
to the stars
And with that
the Star Bender
in a millisecond of thought
moved on
to another dream
Jon Gutmacher2011©Orlando USA