The Trooping Faeries - John Bliven Morin © 2013 Hawaii USA
They ride, they ride, all on astride
ghostly steeds, side by side,
out from the hollow hill they come;
no echoing horns, no beating drum.
in silence march they!
The line, the line, in perfect time,
bold warriors and their ladies, fine;
with gilded helm and silver spear,
their faces grim without a fear
except of breaking day.
They pass, they pass, through shadowed grass,
the column on their silent task;
What ancient battle seeking,
Or is a crowning, queen or king,
their destination?
So bright, so bright; into the night
the column passes out of sight
and all it quiet there, and then
the forest creatures sound again
their ululation.
Copyright © 2013 by John Bliven Morin