Faye’s twinklings - 2016©Deborah Shepard Yelm USA
Each heart is felt is ignited with soft petals of infused love
touch, breathe, my hopes dreams
Pure flames of passion from the soul ignites to each vibration
My prince , his voice is within my heart
Each word is etched in passion silver
Neath each rooted branch in kingdoms tree
Solace in one twin flame blending
Each soul shares the muses of the night
never leaving but growing in eternal love
in the darkness , I feel your touch, your smile on mine
basking in each others love like sunshine
Balsam his softest embrace
feeling warmth giving, sweet natures sound
Come to my waiting heart ,my soul awaits you
breathe each fairies terrain
that through each light he shares in my only spirit
Hearts supreme happiness
engulfing the two who share the sides of one celestial soul
feeling that you bring the best out of me, nothing else matters
afterlife light content, soft allurement
no distant sound of fairies light wings,each awakens to the love
Solace in your arms
constant knowing each is there
passionate glowing Faye flame every moment more precious
Always you are there my love