Myrea Fairy - Tracy R.Cardinet©2017 CAL USA
Maybe she’s an angel
and a fairy, all in one
Yes, her face reveals it,
with a smile bright as the sun
Remarkable, what she can do
with a canvas clean
Every time I view her work,
I want to dance and sing
After all the love she’s brought,
into this big, old world
I ask You, God to heal her, please
this lovely fairy girl
Her drawings are enchanting
her paintings quite divine
Oh how I’d love to do that too
with talent that’s all mine
Perhaps she studied, I don’t know
perhaps it is her gift
Each time, that I see her work
it gives my soul a lift
You never know, from day-to-day
what she’ll paint or draw
Over at dear Fairies World
you can see them all
Underneath shooting stars
and sun that is so bright
Fairies, that are flower friends
she paints, to my delight
Earnestly, she colors them
her fairies, one and all
Ever seeking to perfect her fairies
big or small
Lingers, as her fingers
hold the paintbrush, ever ready
Brush strokes of bright color
she applies them, with hands, steady
Easily and pleasingly,
she brings them all to life
Tackling canvas, magically,
there’s seldom any strife
There is very little that
this artist can’t achieve
Even poems, from strangers
help her mind’s eye to perceive
Round the bend, she has been
and sometimes needs reprieve
She herself, really
is a fairy, I believe
Over her small shoulder
her muse is looking on
Offering her services
from fairy dusk ’til dawn
Now it’s time to end this
I’ve stars to wish upon
“Myrea Fairy” . 10-22-17 t.r. cardinet ©

Shooting Star

Rose Fairy

The Messenger

Teapot-Fairies©Myrea Pettit

Ann Mari’s bond and tribute to her fairy Myrea