Fairy Fluff - Tracy R.Cardinet©2018 CAL USA
Fairies here and fairies there
Fairies full of fairy fluff
In the heart, the art, the air
Never say enough’s enough
Fairies flounder, never, never
Winging in a steady motion
They can fly forever, ever
Over trees, the hills, the ocean
Fairies nibble fairy fodder
Wines from vines, and fairy cakes
Fairy sons and fairy daughters
Love to live by streams and lakes
Also, please, the fairy trees
Like swallows in a hollow
Great cathedrals for the bees
Is where the fairies follow
Fairies love to play all day
They love to play at night
Flying after firefly friends
They’re such a lovely sight
The only time a fairy sleeps
Is at the crack of dawn
And just before the gloaming creeps
With stars to wish upon
Always dream of merry fairies
Enchantment, never leave it
Fairies are as real as us
Just let your heart believe it
“Fairy Fluff” . 04-21-18 . t.r. cardinet ©