Berry Bourrée - Dorothea Barth©2010 Vallejo USA
When summer’s ripening glory glows
And berry time is very near
The elves join hands in mirthful dance
Bourrée is what you’ll likely hear
In dainty double time they step
Around the sumptuous berry mound
The summer’s cornucopia
Grown high or low above the ground
Whether large or whether small
Whether aggregate or true
The delicate sweet fruits inspire
Whether purple, pink, or blue
The berries mul and berries cran
Grown rich and red across the sea
The berries elder or blackcurrant
Born from the shrub or from the tree
It doesn’t matter where they grow
Bright berries blue of Edward’s Isle
Or berries goose of Stonehenge soil
All Faeryland will dance and smile
by Dorothea Barth ©2010