Akasa - 2007©Rachinee Young Surrey UK
As the wind whispered around her and the ivy grew tall,
She sat solemnly, afraid of nothing, seeing, watching. The forest,
It swirls around her and deepens in her heart never ending.
The world looks different from her eyes, seen from each creature alike,
Brave and strong she was and is, yet fragile, her magick ruling the worlds around her.
Hair, a shade of brown, fell upon her shoulders daringly, her gold eyes laughed,
Like the sun itself does when the rain tries to win.
She is beautiful and ugly, fat and thin,
Happy yet sorrow, apathic yet emotional, for she is like a mother.
From her touch could the desert skies fall water, from her breath life could be formed,
But beside her is darkness, a growing feeling that blackens her soul. Forever,
She will never fall, for she consumes it like it were never there,
And although she can create, she can destroy with a moment of hate, Never
Able to get away, and yet she finds shelter in imagination.
Everything and nothing she is, watching over us and them,
Her hands moving, her thoughts erratic yet knowing all.
Clumsy as she was she won all hearts, pure yet there was that shadow,
It watched hungrily as she hid it beneath the depths of her mask, she rules all.
Without her, no passion is ever born, magick can never exist,
Nothing will ever leave her sights, she is Akasha, the spirit, the sun and the moon,
Without magick we cannot imagine or create our lives woven around it,
And without her passion, we are truely dead.
2007©Rachinee Young – Surrey UK