The Dell
Down past my garden, underneath the trees,
There is a place of magic that no-one ever sees,
A little grassy clearing, plain at ones first sight;
But if you take the time to see, you shall find delight.
If you come to see this place, take heed: youv’e found the Dell,
The little patch of beauty where the world’s magics dwell.
The green, green grass spreads everywhere, dancing with the breeze,
Countless, tiny brooks run wild, laughing at their ease;
Flowers garnish everything, a flame of rainbow hues,
Circle brilliant, tiny pools, a shining range of blues.
There is a place of magic that no-one ever sees,
A little grassy clearing, plain at ones first sight;
But if you take the time to see, you shall find delight.
If you come to see this place, take heed: youv’e found the Dell,
The little patch of beauty where the world’s magics dwell.
The green, green grass spreads everywhere, dancing with the breeze,
Countless, tiny brooks run wild, laughing at their ease;
Flowers garnish everything, a flame of rainbow hues,
Circle brilliant, tiny pools, a shining range of blues.
One night the grass will kiss the sky when sun and moon are one,
And out will come the fairies, shaded from the sun;
The elves will come from underground to see the night move past,
The wood sprites will come one by one, awake, alive at last;
The pixies of the crystal wings will come out from the flowers,
And the Dell will come alive in the nights secret hours.
The fairies and the wood sprites, the elves and pixies too,
Will see the world at darkness where all the still things move,
Where moonlight deepens elfin souls and touches elfin hearts,
The fairies will know this moonstruck night has lived for them at last.
And out will come the fairies, shaded from the sun;
The elves will come from underground to see the night move past,
The wood sprites will come one by one, awake, alive at last;
The pixies of the crystal wings will come out from the flowers,
And the Dell will come alive in the nights secret hours.
The fairies and the wood sprites, the elves and pixies too,
Will see the world at darkness where all the still things move,
Where moonlight deepens elfin souls and touches elfin hearts,
The fairies will know this moonstruck night has lived for them at last.
But by-and-by the lazy sun will waken from its sleep;
From across the world the sunlight rays shall peep;
The fairies flee back to the garden, and fade amongst the trees
The elves will dive back underground, digging up the weeds;
The sprites will fly back to the woods to be never seen again,
And the pixies climb back to the flowers, their one night at an end.
And dawn will break like any day, waking up the world,
The sky will flush a dusky pink and a creamy white of pearl,
And the Dell will be as normal, dancing with the breeze,
That secret place of magic underneath the trees,
But never again shall the fairies come when the moonlight falls,
Because its only once in a lifetime that fairy magic calls.
2007©By SusieA supreme lover of fairies who writes the occasional, fanciful little poem about themFrom across the world the sunlight rays shall peep;
The fairies flee back to the garden, and fade amongst the trees
The elves will dive back underground, digging up the weeds;
The sprites will fly back to the woods to be never seen again,
And the pixies climb back to the flowers, their one night at an end.
And dawn will break like any day, waking up the world,
The sky will flush a dusky pink and a creamy white of pearl,
And the Dell will be as normal, dancing with the breeze,
That secret place of magic underneath the trees,
But never again shall the fairies come when the moonlight falls,
Because its only once in a lifetime that fairy magic calls.