Arriella and the Evil Magician - Jon Gutmacher2011©Orlando USA
Arriella! Arriella!
oh, where have you gone?
you were here just today
by tall castle . . . yon
with gold flowing hair
with white flowing dress
with fairies to guide you
with talisman
at your breast
Who took you?
Who managed?
to get thru the spells
to weave through your guards
all wishing
you well
The king is asunder
the queen is in tears
the Mage casting spells
through all of his fears
but none have yet seen you
the castle grows dim
the joy now has left us
our heads
all do swim
For all of us failed you
your joy has moved out
our knights all on quest
No rest!
do we shout
We ll find you!
We swear it!
not one of us rest
our meals now are meager
for all
on the quest
To travel the earth
to scour the halls
to seek out that Evil
that caused
all this pall
And one day
we ll find you
and all will rejoice
the land will grow flowers
our halls
fill with noise
For our beautiful princess
was taken away
by an Evil Magician
or, that s
what they say
And now
as I ride
my sword at my hilt
I pass through a wood
a chill
now, I ve felt
That never
That never . . .
I’ve yet
felt before
My hairs stand on end
my chest tightens, too
my hand grasps my sword
my shield falls askew
for there in a clearing
chained to a tree
is Ariella, my princess
I fall to one knee
But, I know to be silent
I know it s a trap
and if I do fail
She ll never be back
And so, with all stealth
as quiet as can be
I take out the cloak
the Mage gave to me
And place it on, over
as I vanish from view
the magic has power
my sword
shall it slew
And then I do chant
what Mage
told to me
it works only once
to set Arriella free
And so, in an instant
I saw what s foretold
the Evil One there
his black robes
so bold
And fore he could turn
my sword did it swing
his head flew off gruesome
and I grabbed off his ring
His powers were ended
His life was undone
And Arriella swooned
As I came
on the run
And when she awoke
I bowed oh so low
she cried for an instant
and then we did go
And placed her on horse
and took her back home
where trumpets rejoiced
no longer alone
And King weak with joy
and Queen full of tears
the halls filled with light
the fairies appeared
And long did we revel
And long did it last
for our Princess was back
yes . . . finally
at last
copyright 2011 by jon gutmacher