Dwarf King - Jon Gutmacher2011©Orlando USA
Once, long ago
a valiant knight
was in the forest
at dawn s first light
and stealthful as
a knight could be
he spied a dwarf
a tree
Oh, what a treasure
what a find
to capture one
of this rare
the Lords and Ladies
would gather round
and slap his back
at what
he found
He drew his bow
with arrow true
but the dwarf . . . did see
and before he slew
Did shout to knight
behind a tree
Oh, spare me, Sir
Let me go free!
The knight relaxed
the bow went down
and gazing with
a piercing frown
did ask the dwarf
why, he should
Now, tell me, Dwarf!
And make it
I am a King
amongst my kind
I ll owe you, Sir
and you will find
that always will you
have my ear
and in these woods
you ll never
The knight, he nodded
held high his hand
then walked away
back to his land
and went in thru
the castle gates
and kept the story
for his
own sake
Until one day
traveling deep through wood
guarding Queen and ladies
as he should
on lonely road
a bit too late
to castle far
where others wait
But there were varlets
in ambush deep
no care of knights
or those they keep
to take the queen
and ladies fair
to ransom them
without a care
The arrows came
two knights went down
He drew his sword
His heart did pound
He saw them come
upon the run
He swung his sword
now two were done
The queen did scream
her ladies, too
they were surrounded
and then he knew . . .
he would be slain
his duty lost
his companions slaughtered
oh, what
a cost!
And then an amazing thing occurred
a shout was heard
throughout the wood
and hundreds with
both shield and spear
the dwarfs came out
without a fear
They slew the varlets
they slew them good
they freed the queen
helped as they
patched wounded knights
with magic paste
saved all of them
from horrid
And then Dwarf King
came thru the crowd
and said in voice
that was so proud
You spared my life
Now, I ve saved your queen
This . . . is something
that you ve seen.
Remember, hence
for all your sake
as you pass
our sacred lake
The friends you made
Whoever be
are friends for life
So, let it be!
And then as quick
as they appeared
they vanished all
cept King, who neared
and grasped the arm
of knight he saved
and pointed round
at all that laid
I told you then
you d not regret
for in these woods
for now, and yet
I honor what
I said that day
Now, the debt is yours
How will you
the knight
went to one knee
held out his sword
and said, to He
I wronged you, Sir
though I set you free
I thought you not
as good as me
But, I was wrong
I know that now
you have my friendship
if you, allow
And so, the Dwarf King
nodded twice
extended hand
like a vice
and the two
forever knew
that they were friends
for life
And every feast
this tale is told
of once a knight
who was so bold
but spared a dwarf
thus saved a queen
in the Kingdom
of Farsporlant
Jon Gutmacher2011©Orlando USA