The Captive Wizard - Jon Gutmacher2011©Orlando USA
The man was taken off his horse
as he traveled thru the land
he said he had done nothing wrong
he did not understand
You failed to pay
you failed to bow
and so you broke our law
I seize your horse and all you own
and still, there s so much more!
But I protest!
This isn t fair
I intended no such slight
I am a wizard from a far off land
I ll be gone before dawn s light!
The warrior smashed him deftly hard
he staggered to the ground
the blood ran from the wound it left
his hands were stoutly bound
Then dragged behind the warriors horse
back to the castle tall
he ran along
as best he could
lest be dragged
if he should fall
What have we here? the guard called out
A prisoner for our queen?
We ll hang him high inside the court
we ll stretch that neck
quite lean!
They took him then
and threw him down
unto a dungeon deep
but smile he did
that no one saw
and then he fell asleep
And woken in the morning light
and taken fore the queen
her hair was black
with narrow eyes
her countenance was
quite mean
How dare you, sir
come in my land
and not my homage do?
you shall be hanged
upon the morn
then head be
cut askew
He looked at her
and then at around
his eyes began to glow
blue fire then surrounded him
that all who looked
should know
It s not my time
But, it is yours
You ve upset the powers that be
You ve captured here a wizard great
you should have set me free!
The sky drew dark
thick clouds appeared
and thunder sounded round
and lightening bolts did fill the sky
and deftly struck the ground
I frighten not! yelled the queen
enraged at what she saw
No, wizard will overpower me
I d rather wager war!
And then a dragon
appeared from air
and grabbed her by the head
and shook it twice
then ripped it off
yes . . . she was surely dead
The warriors who had mistreated him
were burned to ash and dust
the chains that had once bound him there
fell off, all turned
to rust
Those who survived
bowed to the mage
and asked him Please, forgive!
they held hands out
and swore an oath
if He would let them live
He raised his hands unto the sky
and dragon swooped to ground
it dropped the head
of evil queen
the rest, was never found
I let you live on this day
but your castle is destroyed
your laws were bad
your queen was worse
you had me quite annoyed!
So, I did come
to teach you all
a lesson to be learned
that those who harm a traveler . . .
will have their castles burned!
And then the mage
turned into light
it almost made them blind
but on a rock near rubbled wall
did this inscription find:
Let no man harm a traveler
or dragons will appear
For wizards roam these lands you have
of Them
you best have fear
copyright 2011 by jon gutmacher