Resplendent this proud Roman Tribune marched through Edinburgh Scotland on his way to relieve the company of guards who have endured a long cold and very harsh winter of deep snow and lashing gales in protection of their garrison along the Antonine Wall. (click for more details here)
Posted: Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011
Posted: Friday, June 12th, 2009
Where would we be without our loyal fae fans! Big thank you to Ariana who has just sent me this message –
“Just thought you might be interested to know that the Royal Mail are issuing a wonderful set of stamps next week, Mythical Creatures, which features fairies, pixies, dragons, unicorns, giants and mermaids. It’s available from 16 June and you can see pics here or with great explanations here.
Fairy wishes
Posted: Wednesday, May 20th, 2009
Myrea Pettit champions environmental and conservation issues, her Last Dodo’s Ball painting has the same warning to the assembled company as voiced by Prince Charles who is now using the power of the internet to “inform and challenge” people’s thinking to tackle the world’s environmental problems.
Like Myrea’s Dodo that has been on the web for some time, Prince Charles described the internet as possibly “the most effective tool in history” as he gave a keynote speech at a Google Zeitgeist conference.
The heir to the throne said that, ultimately, the battle against climate change could only be won by every person on the planet making environmentally-conscious choices.
The Prince of Wales is also planning to stage an open-air green extravaganza, it was revealed. Charles, who has warned that climate change is the greatest challenge facing man, is hoping to host the environmental event in 2010.
It is designed to rival Prince Albert’s Great Exhibition of 1851, London’s Evening Standard newspaper reported.
Hyde Park – where Charles’s great-great-great grandfather’s exhibition was held – is a possible venue
“It’s being considered for 2010. It’s all in the very early stages.”
Lets hope we all understand Prince Charles message that none of us should wish to go the way of the of the Dodo!
Myrea has now developing her Frogsworld website to give an extra boost to Prince Charles and his frog message .
Posted: Monday, May 4th, 2009

The Fairy tale of Lyuba the baby ‘Mammoth frozen in time’ See how the tooth fairies unravel the mystery of baby Lyuba. This not to be missed program 9th May at 12PM National Geographic Channel.

Posted: Saturday, May 2nd, 2009
Fairies have been urging the Virgin for some time now to serve a cocktail made famous by Artists which includes Absinthe a liqueur which was banned in the USA until 2007.
Fly with the Fairies drink absinthe on board Virgin America .
Posted: Friday, May 1st, 2009
The Rites of Spring, the rebirth of natures cycle of life, are celebrated at the end of April and the beginning of May with Floraila festivals of dancing and drinking and in many countries children dancing around the Maypole.
The Roman figurehead was the Goddess Flora always bedecked with flowers her name in modern English is representative of plants and flowers. Here she is pictured in the 1898 Floral Calendar of Fairbanks the original manufacturers of Fairy Soap
Posted: Tuesday, April 28th, 2009
Chevaliers everywhere, now is the time to show your love in true romantic French tradition presenting your beloved with ‘Muguet’. Surely the most poignant day in France for lovers to show their true feelings and emotions or to remember those we love and cherish. It should be made a worldwide tradition!
1st May – La Fête du Muguet and Beltaine
Lily of the Valley
The meaning of this flower is “You will find Happiness.”
Muguet © Myrea Pettit
Originally the idea as a family was to take the children into the forests and let them pick your Muguet together.It is also the time of the Cuckoo in France.
These days in the cities you will more likely buy it from florist’s, or one of the countless vendors stand that appear overnight on every street corner, many these days selling for charities and other good causes.
Although at all other times of the year, selling any kind of flowers or anything else on the street requires paying for a permit, merry May Day is exempted from this tax, and anyone can sell the blossoms anywhere without being tithed by the city.
Naturally every florist has pots and bouquets of lily of the valley dominating their outdoor displays. The pots for lily of the valley are always deep and vase-shaped, another tradition.
People everywhere clutch their lily of the valley, to be offered to their loved ones. With May 1st also ushering in Beltaine I love this French custom it is such a perfect way to welcome the Rites of Spring, when all is bursting into blossom, and new life appears with animals, birds and insects and one thought turns to beauty, love, caring and togetherness, precious moments for all who share the Fairiesworld. Muguet is also known as Our Lady’s tears since, according to Christian legend, the tears Mary shed at the cross turned to Lilies of the Valley, and in another legend, the flower also sprang from the blood of St. George during his battle with the dragon.
Posted: Tuesday, April 7th, 2009
Persistent rumors that fairies were definitely seen in Gibraltar, were confirmed this month when the Gibraltar Magazine tracked down fairy artist Myrea Pettit and her husband David Riché to find out exactly what happened in the Alameda Botanical Gardens in July 2007.
It seems the population of that little British colony needed clarification. It was in medieval times that Witches and Devils were banished from Gibraltar, and it was thought that the Fairies had gone too.
Needless to say they are delighted to welcome back the Fairy sighting highlighted in the April 2009 Gibraltar Magazine
Posted: Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Reminiscent of the Last Dodo’s speech at his farewell Ball

when he spoke to the assembled guests, inhabitants of the earth, promoting friendship among adversaries and predators alike that the destiny of the world is in their hands, and that without understanding among them they will all become as extinct and dead as the Dodo himself.
An electrifying speech in Prague today President Barack Obama of the USA spoke to all of the dangers facing the peoples of the world and his cause for nuclear disarmament and for peace among nations.
Posted: Monday, March 30th, 2009
from Tuesday 7th to Saturday 18th April 10 – 5 p.m (Close on Sunday)
You are invited join us during the week,
have some refreshments & Meet the artist on
Izumi 10th Friday, 13th Monday, 15th Wednesday , 18th Saturday
Reconnecting with Izumi Omori
“Spring the time for love, growth and rebirth captured in essence by Izumi Omori
Izumi’s work features the magic of growth, the miracle of flowers and then life of the trees and hedgerows, alive with bees and butteflies, Her paintings shimmer with light and living energy.
visit or contact izumi (at)